ArtsNow was able to make an even bigger impact on the arts community of Summit County with MonkeyPod's nonprofit software. Learn more about how they improved fundraising, donor management, and more.
AI provides exciting opportunities to automate busywork for small and medium nonprofits. Learn more about how you can use MonkeyPod to expedite your email workflow.
The Roadmap Review is your monthly update on the work we’re doing to make your MonkeyPod awesome. This month, we have updates to our fundraising and CRM that we're excited to share.
To face the new challenges Humane Action Pittsburgh encountered as they grew, they knew they needed smarter nonprofit software to manage communication, accounting, and more.
MonkeyPod is proud to provide software to nonprofits like Sculpture Fields and support their mission. Learn more about how MonkeyPod helps Sculpture Fields connect with their community.
Discover the latest updates in MonkeyPod’s Roadmap Review! From a new Onboarding Center to advanced search features and smarter action item tracking, learn how these improvements make managing your data and workflows easier than ever.
As the end of the year approaches, fundraising is top of mind for all nonprofit professionals. Learn how MonkeyPod can level up your fundraising efforts.
At MonkeyPod, we’re always looking to improve our software to better support our clients. This month, we’re excited to share updates to online fundraising, grant management, and more.
When you’re writing grant proposals, one of the documents you’ll often be asked to provide is a project budget. Putting that budget together can feel like walking a tightrope. That’s why we asked Jess Stack, founder of HayStack Essentials, to provide a game plan for setting a grant budget.
When your nonprofit is awarded new grant funding, it’s a big win. But not all awards are created equally. Some awards may be reimbursable or structured like contracts. With the Contract Tracker, you can manage all your contracts and reimbursable grants in a single dashboard.
While most nonprofit leaders may feel like they never have enough funding, they usually have an abundance of process. With Pipelines from MonkeyPod, you can streamline your processes and operate more efficiently than ever before.
Choosing the best nonprofit software is a challenge for any organization. As the new executive director, this is one of the first decisions Emily Kohl was tasked with making for Boxerwood.
Donor management is an important priority for any nonprofit organization. Your work depends on it. While many nonprofits use Neon One for donor management, that only covers one aspect of the organization. MonkeyPod is one of the best donor management software solutions because unlike Neon One, it provides all those functions in one easy-to-use application.
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