MonkeyPod amplifies the impact of nonprofit organizations doing transformative work rooted in equity:

  • Special discounted pricing and free or subsidized technical assistance to nonprofit organizations in our home community of Hawai'i. Hawai'i nonprofits grapple with a host of unique and challenging issues, from poverty rooted in colonial oppression to extraordinary climate-change vulnerability. MonkeyPod is particularly committed to supporting Hawai'i organizations that are working to address the consequences of systemic racism and economic injustice in the islands.
  • Special discounted pricing for new and small nonprofit organizations. BIPOC-led nonprofits have historically had significantly less access to financial and other resources, and today remain systematically excluded from the traditional nonprofit funding paradigm. These perennially under-resourced organizations have always done a lot with very little, but MonkeyPod aims to amplify and bolster their efforts even further.
  • Commitment to community-driven design. Innovation is most impactful when it is community-centered and grounded in practical needs. MonkeyPod actively collaborates with our users in the design and development of new features, ensuring that our software remains centered in their experience and perspective.
  • Shared leadership model. MonkeyPod's leadership team is 50% women of color. Decisions are made through deliberation and consensus building, rather than top-down hierarchies.


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