Nonprofit software that makes
good organizations great.

MonkeyPod helps nonprofits get back to their mission with a true all-in-one platform.

Product Overview
The Arctic Cycle / MonkeyPod user
Photo courtesy of the
Arts and Climate Initiative

Donor management, nonprofit accounting, and so much more.

Ready to get down to business? MonkeyPod is nonprofit accounting, donor management, CRM, email marketing, online fundraising, grants management, and more — all in one simple, integrated platform.

Automate Your Busywork

Spend more time on mission and less on minutia. MonkeyPod automates so much data entry it feels like your team grew overnight.

Leverage Your Data

Gain a holistic understanding of your organization. Search and report on all your data, so you can operate with confidence.

Create Lasting Change

Raise more money from more diversified sources. Flexible grant management and fundraising tools help you maximize your impact.

Get back to your nonprofit's mission.
Let MonkeyPod handle the busywork.

Unlimited data, no matter your organization size.
Your MonkeyPod grows with you.

  • Unlimited users for every member of your organization
  • Unlimited CRM records and custom data fields
  • Unlimited email subscribers, lists, and campaigns
  • Unlimited fundraising pages and donation forms
  • Unlimited transactions, budgets, and grant proposals

Transforming communities everywhere

Built for Nonprofits by Nonprofit People

MonkeyPod was built by nonprofit veterans with a longstanding dedication to improving how business gets done in the nonprofit sector.

No one starts a nonprofit out of a passion for accounting rules and grant reporting. We do this work because we have a mission to change the world — to promote justice, create beauty, foster health, protect our environment, promote shared prosperity.

We're on a mission to revolutionize nonprofit work. Check out our four guiding principles.

MonkeyPod Screenshot


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